Our world has developed a dependency on specialized equipment that emits radiation, which can be
dangerous even in small amounts. Radiation is the process of energy emitted in the form of particles or
waves. It travels through space and time, making it easy to penetrate through various materials.
Excessive radiation exposure can lead to permanent damage both neurologically and physically. So, it is
necessary to use the appropriate protective equipment when individuals such as medical staff and
researchers are continuously exposed to radiation to ensure their safety. Lead is one of the most
suitable materials to stop radiation leakage, making our lead-lined gypsum board system the ultimate
solution to halt leakage of any form of radiation. Our system is designed to shield surfaces and walls
from radiation wherever needed. It is composed of a continuous layer of lead sheets under the drywall
ensuring proper protection. The thickness of the lead sheets varies based on the different types of
rooms and the equipment used, procedures performed, and other factors.
Boards used in partition wall and lining systems can be of several types to achieve different performance
based on the requirements needed.
Gboard® FR
Gboard® FMR
Gboard® Deciloc
Gboard® Impact
The X-ray partition wall system is suitable for use in radiography departments, medical facilities, dental
clinics, and veterinary practices.
The main components of the partition wall X-ray system are:
Gypsum boards, Gboard®
Lead Sheets
Lead Batten Strips
Top and bottom Gframe™ tracks
Insulation Tape
Rockwool Insulation
Electrical outlet boxes, pipes, ducts, and other penetrations should be wrapped with lead sheet barriers
to provide protection from leakage and penetration of radiation.
View Windows, where line-of-sight is required in medical radiography, must have radiation protection
glazing to ensure proper shielding. They are supplied with steel telescopic lead lined frames that will be
installed in the opening of the wall with leaded glass.
Lead glass is a light-yellow colored glass that is considered an important material for protection against
radiation exposure. It provides high energy gamma radiation shielding.
For more information and systems download the technical guide.